Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August 20, 2014

They all told me today would be hard and they were right. today was the day that Elliot was suppose to be due. a day that in December i was looking forward to with great anticipation and happiness when i found out i was carrying a miracle. this year has come with many mixed emotions and though months have passed i still wish there was more i could have done to change the outcome. i keep a lot of my feelings to myself but am so grateful for the love and support i have had from those around me especially over this past week. it's amazing how some people just know when i need a little extra support and are there to give it.....sometimes not even knowing the reason why. to those of you who are always there and those of you who i know would be if you could i thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your daddy and I love you Elliot James.....always and forever!!!!